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Outlook for 2020’s business environment


In January’s SAE Monthly Meeting, APOYO Consultoría presented its 2020 forecasts of main economic variables, and discussed the main challenges and opportunities that the business environment will face this year. We show you in this video an extract of the information presented.


Reportes Especiales SAE

Durante estos momentos críticos, el SAE de APOYO Consultoría ha puesto algunos de sus Reportes especiales SAE a dispocisión de todas las empresas y ejecutivos para contribuir a enfrentar los desafíos y oportunidades que se presentan en este contexto. Encuéntralos en "Nuestra mirada".

SAE Monthly Meeting – March

In March's Monthly Meeting, APOYO Consultoría analyzed the different scenarios that could unfold as a result of the recent coronavirus outbreak, as well as possible impacts on the Peruvian economy.

SAE Monthley Meeting – February

In February's SAE Monthly Meeting, APOYO Consultoría presented the current economic situation and the impact of some international events on the Peruvian economy at the start of 2020, and analyzed some of the most attractive market segments for this year.

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