SAE | Servicio de Asesoría Empresarial
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En los próximos meses, la economía peruana enfrentará la peor recesión en 30 años y el nivel de gravedad que esta alcanzará aún es incierto. Lamentablemente, esta contracción en la actividad económica destruirá miles de puestos de trabajo formales


Latinoamérica será una de las regiones emergentes más afectadas por la crisis gatillada por el COVID-19. Probablemente, la contracción de la actividad económica, excluyendo a Venezuela, será mayor a -5,0%.

Economía global

La crisis económica global gatillada por el COVID-19 será la más severa en 75 años. Ello como consecuencia de las crisis sanitarias que enfrentan los países en todo el mundo y las fuertes medidas restrictivas que aplican los gobiernos para frenar la pandemia.

Operatividad de empresas

La crisis sanitaria y el aislamiento social obligatorio han paralizado gran parte de la economía peruana y generado un cambio drástico y abrupto en la operatividad de las empresas.

Note form Chief Economist

A matter of trust: Parliament members have to permit and support the Executive while it manages the multiple crisis fronts, and instead focus on prioritizing what the Parliament’s original mandate was: to map the route to get to the Republic’s Bicentennial with a political system that will serve its citizens better.

Economic outlook

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Peruvian economy is countering a shock of unprecedented nature and magnitude. It is most likely that in March, GDP contracted by almost 20% compared with March 2019, generating a 5% fall in the 1Q2020. This has been the result of containment measures adopted by the Peruvian government (a 28-day mandatory social isolation) and of the production standstill observed in several countries in the world.

SAE Report

The government has already implemented some measures to limit the expansion of the virus. These actions are necessary, but must be complemented with additional measures seeking to further decelerate the virus spread and to protect the country from significant impacts on households and companies. APOYO Consultoría proposes 10 temporary and specific measures that could be implemented by the government in the short-run.

Economies of LATAM

Political uncertainty and lower export prices are affecting growth in Bolivia.

Note from Chief Economist

In APOYO Consultoria’s opinion, generally speaking - and with some exceptions, of course – the policy components that make up the “measures package” known as of now are well designed, point in the right direction, and their magnitude is significant. However, the shock we are facing is tremendous and requires an even larger response.

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